Saturday, June 30, 2012

Sammy Meets a Friend at ALA

Sammy met a fellow puppet...I mean the conference.  Something about this video seems a little disturbing.  The friendly pig wasn't a talking animal like Sammy (Sammy got her "speaks" from Narnia, by the way), but grunted and oinked instead.  But, as you can see, they still got along famously.  I am an extremely bad conference goer and cannot remember what business card goes with what person (bad bad bad networker) so, if this is YOUR pig, please tell me!

Late:  It has been confirmed that the pig in the video is none other than Bacon from the Ak-Chin Indian Community Library in Maricopa, Arizona!


  1. Toucan Sam, you are such a social butterfly, whoops, I mean social Toucan!

  2. Love your interview with the hoggerpig, Sammy. Collaboration is a definite must-do.
