Thursday, June 21, 2012

Airports, Travel and Planning!

Well, I'm on my way to the American Library Association Annual Conference!  Thanks to mom for dropping me off at the Indy Airport at the uncivilized hour of 5:00 AM.  I'm now safely in Phoenix getting ready to board my flight to the John Wayne airport in Orange County!  Once there I take a shuttle to my hotel and then it will be time to really delve into the ALA Scheduler.  I already have plans to hear Susan Cooper, Jack Gantos, Dan Rather, and Chris Colfer (yes, you read right!) all speak and am very excited about that.


There are lots of good sessions on eBooks, library spaces, graphic novels, leadership, etc!  Can't wait!  It's getting pretty intense here at the airport.  I think they are boarding 5 flights all at once.  I should be soon!  So, I forgot they have mountains in Phoenix (no judging).  I just love looking at mountains.  It's so restful after the flatness of my native land. 

Here's Flat Cauli on the plane and I took a picture of See's Candies in the Phoenix airport because I think my Walker family loves them.  More later!


  1. Hooray! Enjoy your time in California and bring back lots of great ideas!!! ~Diane

  2. Sounds like you're having fun already!

  3. So, I'm assuming you didn't buy and EAT any of that See's candy! Have fun!

    1. Would I dare? Of course not. I've been very good today despite the fact that their is an express Pizza Hut literally steps away from my room.

  4. I'm very jealous about the whole Chris Colfer thing. All I'm asking is for a can be blurry....whatever. I just wants to sees him :) Have fun, Suzanne, and take it all in!! -Meg

  5. Everyone else commented, I feel I need to as well! I can't wait to see the trouble Sammy get into in California! Have fun but be safe! :)

    1. I'm having a hard time getting Sammy's video to load. I think it just takes forever. Does that sound right?

  6. Keep Flat Seven away from the See's candies, Broadway Gal. Otherwise, she won't stay flat!
